
Ordinance codification is a systematic organization of a municipality’s legally adopted laws. Each ordinance is assigned a permanent number and entered into an indexed book called the “code of ordinances”.  A coded ordinance is permanent and general in nature. A non-coded ordinance is temporary and/or accomplishes a single, specific action.

In addition to Indian Hills ordinances, residents are also bound by Metro Louisville Ordinances, Kentucky Revised Statues & Regulations, and the laws of the Unites States. The scope and volume of law increases as one goes up through this hierarchy. Indian Hills ordinances are generally intended to address issues that are unique to Indian Hills, or to provide more specifics on issues already covered by applicable laws from higher order jurisdictions. Those local ordinances that may appear duplicative were likely enacted before a similar Metro ordinance or Kentucky statute came into being. The City has the authority to enforce any of these laws, but often refers enforcement to the entity which enacted a given law. If one is interested in what these other levels may dictate on a specific subject, the following references are provided for your information:

The following ordinances are time specific, of a single purpose, of an emergency nature, pending incorporation into the code of ordinances, or of a structure that does not lend itself to codification; and are not incorporated into the Code of Ordinances. When first enacted, ordinances will remain posted for a year regardless of incorporation into the code of ordinances.

Clicking on the ordinance numbers below will direct you to the actual text of the ordinance.

“Individuals who have difficulty accessing these ordinances may make contact with the office of Indian Hills at 502.893.1375.  The public has the right to inspect these ordinances by request to the City Clerk at the office of the City of Indian Hills at 3905 Brownsboro Road, Indian Hills KY 40207.  Phone number:  502.893.1375.  Website:  www.indianhillsky.org

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